MEMILIKI, kantor GA sendiri merupakan cita-cita semua agent di Prudential. Demikian juga dengan kami.
Untuk memulai hal tersebut dimulai dari saat ini dengan berbagai kegiatan. Mulai dari meningkatkan kualitas para leader, serta menjadikan sejumlah mitra kerja/agent sebagai agent yang kualified.
Memang tidak mudah, untuk membina dan menjadikan agent berkualitas dibutuhkan kesabaran, waktu dan pengorbanan yg tidak sedikit. Namun semua itu tidak lah sia-2. Saat ini bibit-2 untuk bergkembangnya bisnis ke luar kota menjadi cikal bakal terbentuknya kantor-2 cabang. Dibantu sejumlah leader terbaik, kini kami mulai merintis memasuki kota-2 besar di Jawa Barat maupun di Jawa Tengah dan DI Jogjakarta.
Nah, jika anda berminat memiliki bisnis syariah khususnya di bidang asuransi, mengapa tidak bergabung bersama kami di Prudential. Hubungi kami di pin bb 215929A3. (Erwin Winaldi-Prudential/Bandung)
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I was very fortunate to be in the best business systems networking, led by someone who has the best experience and achievement. I was very inspired to change my life that were previously ordinary into the extraordinary. infinite thanks to a couple who incredible that lead me to be an extraordinary person.bu'I n Pa'e... I really respect n luv u both...success always for u....
BalasHapusnuhun, luv u 2
HapusI was very fortunate to be in the best business systems networking, led by someone who has the best experience and achievement. I was very inspired to change my life that were previously ordinary into the extraordinary. infinite thanks to a couple who incredible that lead me to be an extraordinary person. Bu'i n Pa'e... I really respect n luv u both....
BalasHapussuccess always for u...amiin.
I was very fortunate to be in the best business systems networking, led by someone who has the best experience and achievement. I was very inspired to change my life that were previously ordinary into the extraordinary. infinite thanks to a couple who incredible that lead me to be an extraordinary person. Bu'i n Pa'e... I really respect n luv u both....
BalasHapussuccess always for u...amiin.
I was very fortunate to be in the best business systems networking, led by someone who has the best experience and achievement. I was very inspired to change my life that were previously ordinary into the extraordinary. infinite thanks to a couple who incredible that lead me to be an extraordinary person. Bu'i n Pa'e... I really respect n luv u both....
BalasHapussuccess always for u...amiin.